Practice recapJuly at-home retreat: Hosshin and Hoko were in the zendo for the three days of the retreat, with a few other practitioners participating from home over the course of the event. Okumura Roshi gave the Sunday dharma talk at the end of the retreat; that recording is available here. Other news Local reopening to begin August 8: Sanshin will reopen for local practice concurrent with the annual meeting that will be held the weekend of August 6 - 8. The board of directors will be meeting all weekend, as it does annually, to review the status of Sanshin's operations, make longer-term plans, and choose new directors and officers for the subsequent year. Regular in-person Sunday practice will happen on the 8th and Okumura Roshi will be giving the dharma talk. Following the talk the board will host lunch for local sangha members, give an update on its weekend of work and take questions from the sangha. There will be plenty of time for socializing and getting reacquainted after the year-and-a-half shutdown. Some important things to know about this reopening: - Sanshin will be holding local regular practice only for now. Folks who live in town and have been fully vaccinated will be welcome to attend morning zazen and service, evening zazen and Sunday zazen and dharma talk. The Wednesday evening book group will remain virtual for the moment, until we can determine the best way to make that a hybrid activity. - We will not be offering guest practice for some time yet. That includes sesshin, retreats, weekend workshops, etc. There are logistics unrelated to COVID that need to be worked out, and as of now we can't provide meals, housing or guidance and direction. If you're outside of the Bloomington area, please continue to join us virtually. - Virtual practice will continue after the local reopening. However, the priority is likely to be on restarting local in-person practice rather than on developing specifically virtual activities and events. Zendo remodel nearly complete: Under Hosshin's direction (and largely due to his own pro bono work), the alcove altar has been completed, the walls painted and bamboo wainscoting installed. At the foot of the zendo stairs, the walls have been patched and painted and the old wire coat rack replaced with a bespoke fixture for robes and clergy belongings. While there are still some items left to complete, in general the lower level practice area has a fresh and updated look and is ready to welcome returning practitioners.
![]() Sanshin Network
Sesshin in Sicily: Centro Zen Anshin traveled south from its homebase in Rome to hold a sesshin in Corleone, Palermo. Doryu Cappelli and Gyoetsu Epifania report, "It's a magical place: a huge golden valley surrounded by mountains of pink rock, crossed by a fresh wind that carries Dharma's breath. And then the harmony and enthusiasm of the Sangha, which nourishes our hearts." Resources from Sanshin
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January 2025