If you live in the Bloomington area, we strongly encourage you to attend the session in person. Not only is it more effective to learn to sit when you and the facilitator are together and can see each other completely, the in-person version of Getting Started includes information about how to function in our physical space.
We invite you to learn about us, meet others who practice, and explore the resources we make available to beginning and experienced practitioners. Sanshin is open for regular local practice and we also offer some virtual practice opportunities.
There's plenty of information about our style of practice in our free booklet Understanding Sanshin Style, and you may wish to look over our About Sanshin page as well. We have answers to frequently asked questions here. See our public health protocols here. Getting Started in Zen PracticeTypically:
Second Tuesdays in person; fourth Tuesdays online 7:00 - 8:30 pm Eastern time in the US This free session is a great place to begin your Zen practice in the Sanshin style. Become familiar with the sitting practice that's at the core of what we do; explore what happens with body, breath and mind; ask your questions and participate in practice discussions; and get a preview of upcoming Sanshin activities and events. You may attend once or as many times as you like; activities will match the needs of those who attend on any particular evening. Experienced practitioners looking for help with practice questions are also very welcome. Please register below so that we can monitor the number of attendees expected in person and so that we can get online participants the Zoom link. (Look for this information in your email the night before your session.) While you're waiting for your Getting Started session, it's fine to join us in person or online for regular weekly practice. Please note that 7:00 pm in Bloomington is the middle of the night overseas. If you're outside of North America, we suggest learning to sit with a Sanshin Network teacher who is geographically closer to you. |
Are you a student working on a class project?We've put together this page especially for you. Good opportunities to start practicing with usSee our Schedules and calendars page for complete information about our in-person and virtual practice activities. Note that during our simplified practice schedule in the month of August, there are no Sunday dharma talks or evening practice activities (but a few more opportunities to sit zazen).
Zazen Weekday mornings at 6:00 & 7:10 am Weekday evenings: Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7 pm Sunday morning at 9:10 am Now that you know how to do zazen, there are multiple opportunities throughout the week to join us for practice. Dharma discussion Wednesdays, 7:00 - 8 pm following evening zazen We read together and discuss a few paragraphs of our current dharma book selection; at this time, we're reading Ryokan Interpreted by Shohaku Okumura. You don't have to be familiar with the text to join us for discussion. Dharma talks Sundays, 10:10 - 11 am For information about practice forms for Sunday mornings, please see this page. Our abbot, vice abbot, or a senior member of the community speaks about a text, teaching or element of practice. These talks are not aimed at beginners, but they are a great way to get some grounding in Zen teachings and ask your questions about the topic of the day. |