Other newsIntroducing Sanshin Source: Sanshin Source is Sanshin Zen Community's newly available and continuously evolving online library of context and in-depth information about our style of practice within the Soto Zen tradition. It serves as a partner-site to our main operational website (www.sanshinji.org), with many linkages growing between the two sites over time. Anyone is welcome to peruse and study these resources as our collection continues to grow. We've organized the content according to our practice vision diagram so that you can see the relationships between the elements. Intersecting these elements with each other gives interesting new insights into our practice. Watch for new content throughout the year and beyond -- may it support us in understanding our practice and practicing our understanding. Practice recap
Being Old discussion series underway: More than two dozen practitioners have come together online for the opening sessions of a three part discussion series on The Zen Practice of Being Old led by longtime friend of Sanshin and respected teacher in her own right, Tonen O'Connor. Discussions have revolved around new opportunities for practice and dharma insights available at 70 years of age and beyond that differ from the experience of our younger years. Participation has ranged from Bloomington to Vermont to Australia.
Coming up![]() Tangible Thusness in 2025: Following our practice theme for 2024, lineage and legacy, in 2025 we embark on an exploration we're calling Tangible Thusness, a deep investigation of the teachings of nyoho, or things done or made according to the dharma. Here at Sanshin, we sometimes put a lot of attention on seemingly-abstract teachings from the Buddha, Dogen, and our 20th century ancestors; Tangible Thusness is our opportunity to experience the truth of these teachings in our concrete, everyday lives. Over three four-month segments, beginning this month with clothing, we'll explore each of the traditional three faces of nyoho (clothing, food, & shelter) in turn, seeing what we can learn about the specific face and also how we can apply those teachings throughout our practice life, in and out of the temple. LEARN MORE ![]() Nyoho: The Dharma of Just This (registration closing Tuesday, Jan 21) A one-day workshop led by Koun Franz Saturday, January 25th from 9 am - 5 pm There is a tradition—within the Soto Zen tradition—called nyohō, a practice of exploring the dharma as it’s expressed through the material world around us. These teachings offer a way for us to touch, smell, taste, view, and hear the dharma—to hold it in our hands. They invite us not only to consider our practice in terms of the Buddha's original teachings but also to take creative responsibility for it in each moment. Join Koun for a day which will frame our year of Tangible Thusness, exploring nyohō teachings and practice as a sangha throughout 2025. In-person and virtual participation is welcome. Koun, who leads practice at Thousand Harbours Zen in Nova Scotia, has traveled to Bloomington to lead workshops at Sanshin a couple of times over the years, including one also focused on nyoho, and one examining Keizan Zenji's writing, Zazen Yojinki. Koun is also a member of the advisory committee for our Sawaki Nyoho-e Treasury. LEARN MORE AND REGISTER by Tues, Jan 21st Quiet February simplified practice schedule: During February and August at Sanshin, the regular practice schedule becomes quieter, less busy, and more focused on zazen. We let go of chanting services and Shobogenzo Zuimonki readings on weekday mornings, most Sunday dharma talks (which are replaced by one more period of zazen), and all evening practice activities. Keep an eye on our Schedules & Calendars page to see how regular practice activities shift next month. ![]() Save-the-dates for Buddhist Essentials with Hoko: From Shakyamuni to Sanshin Six Wednesday evenings, March 5th - April 9th This spring, Hoko will lead a six-part lecture and discussion series tracing the connections between foundational Buddhist teachings such as the Four Noble Truths and three marks of existence, through the development of Mahayana teachings and practice, and into the history of the Soto Zen tradition. We'll see how all of this underpins our day to day practice at Sanshin and beyond. The material is intended to be accessible and useful for all practitioners, whether beginner or experienced. Those just establishing their practice are especially encouraged to attend in order to gain a firm foundation for zazen, work, study and ritual going forward as members of the sangha. Note that these sessions will replace our usual Wednesday evening dharma book discussions between March 5th and April 9th, and will allow extra time for Q&A, ending by 8:30 ET at the latest each evening. Virtual and in-person participation is welcome and encouraged. ![]() Uchiyama Roshi memorial sesshin (Mar 6 - 9): Sesshin at Sanshin is an opportunity to practice zazen without distraction. We dedicate our March sesshin each year to the memory of Kosho Uchiyama Roshi, the teacher of our founder, Shohaku Okumura and author of the foundational book Opening the Hand of Thought. As he is one of the main shapers of our style of practice, we can't help but be grateful for his life and practice. He died on March 13, 1998. We will hold a brief memorial service following the usual Sunday morning zazen and dharma talk, given by Okumura Roshi himself. LEARN MORE & REGISTER Sanshin Network: New Year's greetings
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January 2025